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A groundcover that isn't picky about sun conditions making it quite versatile. Large crinkly variegated leaves create a nice mound with pink flowers coming up in spring.
Can be grown as a perennial or in a container. A small, cool season grass only getting to 8-18 inches tall and 12-16 inches wide. Eye catching variegated gold and green foliage keeps its bright color throughout summer.
Large blooms cover this vine in late spring into fall. Vivid pink petals with lavender edging will add color on a trellis or arbor in the garden or in a container on the patio.
An attractive trailing groundcover that can add color to a sunny rock garden or spice up your patio in a container. Purple and green tones during the summer with red burgundy foliage in fall.
A nativar Wisteria that is smaller and less aggressive than the invasive Asian variety. Although smaller it does not loose any of the beauty. Showy racemes of purple lavender flowers bloom late spring into early summer.