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A coneflower like no other! Blooms of many different colors pop up around June giving your garden an eye catching appeal. Flowering colors include purple, pink, red, orange, yellow, and white.
Finally a forsythia that is not a garden thug! Copious amounts of nice yellow flowers cover the stems in early spring. Terrific dwarf habit that works well in most landscapes. Grows to about 36" tall and wide.
A similar plant to ' Stella de Oro ' but with brighter yellow blooms that have a citrusy smell. Reblooming variety means you can enjoy the flowers from spring until fall.
Copious amounts of yellow flowers on long panicles adorn the tree in early summer. Considered to be a tough urban tree.
Definitely a unique looking native perennial. True flowers are green, yellow, or cream that typically have dark purple 'spots' on them. Showy bracts are pale pink to lavender in color. An awesome plant for pollinators.
Grows up to 5' tall with slender sombrero shaped yellow flowers for a good part of the summer. Butterflies love it.
This is a stunner! Yellow centers burst out from the dark red foliage looking straight up into the sky. Backed by dark green foliage for a wonderful contrast.